Trick or Treat for Hog Roast Burton

hog roast BurtonHappy Halloween! This trick or treat festival has been going on for thousands of years and is centred around fun activities and delicious treats. The scary element has stayed, the tradition of wearing costumes and the theme of death came from the Celts festival of Samhain. During this festival the Celts would wear costumes to ward off ghosts that were in limbo between the world of the dead and the world of the living. Thankfully the element of fun has overcome the sinister side to the festival. Have you been pumpkin picking yet? Have you played the bobbing apple game? This game was apparently introduced by the Romans! Have you escaped a maze? Hog Roast Burton catered at a local family farm who had gone all out for Halloween with lots of fun activities and of course tasty food! 

The farmers had chosen Hog Roast Burton’s American-inspired menu, the Southern Slow Roast. They had opted for the Texan-BBQ beef, Bourbon BBQ pulled pork and the Cajun Chicken. The Texan-BBQ beef gets slowly roasted for 24 hours to the point where it melts in your mouth and is full of flavour. The Bourbon BBQ pulled pork falls off the bone, completely tender with incredible tantalising flavour after also being slowing roasted for 24 hours. The Cajun chicken has a nice kick to it where the flavour explodes in the mouth. The heavenly meats went down remarkably for the guests. The farm usually boasts a Hog Roast Burton Hog Roast menu but had decided to mix it up this year with the three different meats and delicious sides. 

Hog Roast BurtonThe farmers had selected chips, creamy Mac and cheese and coleslaw as the sides to accompany the meats. The chips were a must as host Helen questioned ‘who doesn’t like chips?’. The Mac and cheese was an enjoyable, heart-warming dish for the vegetarians and the coleslaw compliments the meats perfectly, especially the BBQ beef and pork. 

Guests were free to come and have a Hog roast Burton feast in-between the different activities. The final wolf-run inspired assault course was particularly enjoyable to watch!